Monday, January 23, 2012


My God is so big, so strong, and so mighty. There’s nothing my God cannot do. For some reason this song has been playing in my head for the past couple of days. After Ankara, our team split in half because we all felt that God wanted us to go to separate places. My team went to Cappadocia while the other half went to Konya and Kuthalia. We were apart for five days which seemed like forever since this is our family. So during those five days our team slept in a cave. The place was Gӧreme. It is a village of 3,500 people and one the most touristic part of Turkey. I must say it’s also one of the most beautiful. Snow-capped mountains, fairy chimneys, and the most breathe-taking views I have ever seen. In the summer it’s usually desert looking with the sand and not much greening. God did a great job with that landscaping!

So our main goal was to find people in the village to share about Jesus and His salvation.  As it turned out though, God had a different idea. On the first day we split up in three pairs and started walking the streets. Kristine and I decided to just walk to where we felt was right. Eventually we ended up in a carpet store talking to a guy named Osman. He offered us ҫay (tea) which is Turkish custom and we sat and just talked. We asked all kinds of questions, like what people do for fun, what traditions they have, and finally about Muslims and Jesus. We asked him about his religion to show that we were interested in his take (which we are). Honestly though that is about as deep as the conversation was. He told us that “missionaries” come all the time. So Kristine and I were both very interested in what he had to say about that. He said that some came with money to bribe, some come to tour, and others were kind of aggressive with it. He was very open-minded with what we were doing but it just didn’t seem right to try to “change” him. We left that day with nothing that I felt accomplished with.

We didn’t get to go back the next day because we had other plans but the next day we defiantly went back. Turkish tradition is to by a little gift so before we headed over we stopped by a pastry shop. We got up to his store and we prayed for guidance and words from God for him. We went in with the intent of bringing Jesus this time but we again, God had a different idea. He went for ҫay as Kristine, Alex, and I talked about what we were going to say. The Spirit was definably in the room because all of a sudden our ideas shifted and we decided that God just wanted His love to show today for Osman.

So that’s just what we did. We showed him that we loved and cared for him. We didn’t talk about the bible or Jesus. We just asked about his life and how he was raised. We showed that we cared for him. That was all, nothing spiritual about it.


We made it safely to Ankara after a six hour bus ride. That was fun! It was a luxury bus so honestly it wasn’t too bad. I did a lot of soul searching on that bus too. When you are crammed on a moving vehicle, there isn’t much you can do but talk to yourself sometimes.  Anyways, God has just been showing up in the last couple of days in almost everything that I encounter. Especially through people and His Word. It has been coming to life recently. God is providing, once again!

The other day I had just flipped open my bible and it fell to 2nd Timothy 4:5. It says that we shouldn’t be afraid to suffer for the Lord. That really hit me. I just pictured Jesus on the cross. It got me thinking that if He did that for me then I should not be afraid to proclaim His name because there isn’t much worse. So, I keep reading that verse and it started to give a different perspective on things.  I saw Jesus’ side of it!

A few verses came from a brother on the South East Asia team. He is very wise and intelligent. 1st Corinthians 1:28-30, which says that God chose a people that, were the lowest of the low. ME! He chose someone that was in the slumps so that they will become rich in the Kingdom. You! How lucky are we because the way I see it is that we all are like this. Aren’t we?

His second verse came from 1st Corinthians 2:1-5. It came from a speech Paul gave to the Corinthians. He didn’t come to them to say “lofty words” or give impressive speech’s to tell them about Jesus. He only came to them with the Word of the Holy Spirit. He didn’t trust in human wisdom but in God’s devote wisdom. How great is that? It has been so encouraging to know that people read my blog and that God provides me with exactly what I need at the right moments of my life for Him.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Courage to the Weak

Wow! God is so good! The past couple days have been amazing. Most everyone has had an encounter with people that are turning into amazing stories of God’s love. My team is doing a really good job with becoming uncomfortable for Jesus. It’s been great to see people step out of their little box to talk to someone on the bus or even simply smile at someone. For myself I am still trying to find courage to do that. I have talked to a few people but nothing like the others. I have been praying for courage and God’s wisdom lately but haven’t gotten anything yet. I think I am just worried that I might say something wrong and mislead people. I know things, but I am not a very good communicator when it comes to what I think about things.

The devil has been grabbing hold of my fear and telling me things that I see in myself and how bad of a person I am. Like, who am I to be telling this person about Jesus? I am not good enough, but I know this isn’t true. It still lingers in my mind sometimes though.  I desire to talk to someone and I want to have a friendship build because of it. I want what everyone else has been finding. I have asked God but I still don’t have any. How much longer do I have to wait or where can I find it? These questions run through my head every day. My prayers are the same each day also.

 “God, please send someone to talk to me. God, please give me strength and Your words.  Jesus, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! Give me supernatural powers in Your name.”

So, in conclusion, I just again ask for y’alls prayers. Be prayer warriors for myself, my team, the South East Asia team, and any other missionaries out on the field. I think we all need a little boldness for Jesus. I will leave you one more thought and it comes from 2 Timothy 4:5

“But you should keep a clear mind in every situation. Don’t be afraid of suffering for the Lord. Work at telling others the Good News, and fully carry out the ministry God has given you.”


Friday, January 6, 2012

Understanding His way

So just a little update on how we are all doing in the Midlle East. Things are going very slowly it seems like it to me. Things aren't happening like they seem to be in South East Asia with the other team but I guess that's just how God works. With this type of people it seems like you have to put a lot of effort into getting it done. Just to strike up a conversation is very hard because first of all you don't know if they know english. This language barrier is very hard for me especially. I have been praying lately that God would allow me to have the gift of interpretation because I realy want to talk to people but it gets very discouraging when neither of you understand each other. I am so ready to see God do some awesome things now though. I am just learning to be patient in His timing. It gets very frustrating sometimes though.

Here are some prayer requests that my team and I have: (if y'all think about us just shout out a little prayer)

1) boldness for me. I am still seeking out to talk to people.
2) communication to become better or easier.
3) unity for the team to continue.
4) safety as well as good health.

I will be praying for each of you as well and pray a blessing upon you! God bless and talk to you later!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Journey over the sea

     So we made it safely to Istanbul, Turkey!!! Where do I begin? Well first off the plane ride was long and tireding. Secondly, it is so beautiful here. After our flight landed yesterday we got to our house, which is owned by the YWAM base here, and we crashed for a three hour nap! It was much enjoyable too. We went out for New Years which is not as big as it is in the states. Anyway, so this morning we all slept till about 2. We decided that going out on the city was a good idea so that's just what we did. We walked to the Mediterranean Sea which is about a twenty minute walk form our place!! It is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. It definatly took my breath away. God definalty knows what He is doing!
     So to end this little blog I will say one last thing. I am so excited to see what surprises are awaiting us on our journey. I hope ya'll have a very Happy New Year. Hugs and kisses from half way around the world! Until next time. :)