Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Beginning of my Journey's

So, as I begin to head off on my grand adventure I decided it would be a great idea to start a blog. The start of my adventure is in the Middle East for eight weeks. Before I explain what I am doing there though, I want to let you all know what I have been doing for the past three months in Jacksonville, Florida. As some of you may know I have been living there doing training for Africa. Those past three months have been hard, challenging, frustrating, and the most incredible months of my life. It was kind of like the high school summer camp high but I actually got to live out what I was learning. Every week day was class from nine fifteen to twelve. Every week we had a new teacher, which taught on a different subject. The subjects were simple christian values like: the father heart of God, disicpleship, and many others. All students were required to go to class so there were eighteen students plus the teacher and sometimes a few leaders. Since our class was so big the leaders had to split us up into two different outreach teams. I am going to the Middle East with nine other people. The other team is going to Southeast Asia. Each one of my team members is amazing and it wouldn't be the same without one of them. We are traveling to Turkey, Jordan, and Lebanon. I ask that as these next couple months go by that both teams are in you're prayers. I am very excited about this new experince God has given me.  I don't know how often I will be able to post but I will as mush as possible. God bless and until next time!


  1. Ansley, these last few months may have been frustrating at times, but they were needed. God used these last few months to mold and shape you in awesome ways, some you may see now, but there are others that you may not even see until you’re in Africa or ten year down the way.
    I know you desire to be on your way to Africa right now, but there is more growing and learning that God is going to take you through that you need before you get there. Be patient, and just live each moment as it comes. Embrace the differentness of everything. Take in all the smells (even the disgusting ones). Keep your eyes, ears, and heart open. Take naps (if possible, hehe). And definitely journal often, you'll be glad to be able to go back and remember after you come back to the States.

  2. so excited to keep up with you and know what God is doing! Love you Ans!
