Monday, November 5, 2012

A new direction to the same place

Hey friends! This blog may be a little longer than normal. Lots of things have been going on the past couple weeks and I have not be able to let anyone know of them. If you read my last blog post it talked a lot about obedience and trusting. India was what I was talking about. Ya see, ever since the students started to move in God spoke to me about my heart and why I was back here. He spoke things that were so clear I thought He was physically standing next to me. When I came back to Jax I was drained. To be honest, I was dead. Being back in Indiana was hard. I was struggling with trying to be the same person that everyone knew me as and then the new one at the same time. I didn't want people to see me different than what they knew. I was being selfish. It takes a lot of effort putting on a mask every day. Plus, I had all of the India to take care of. I was stretching myself thin and going insane. By the time I got back to Jax I was done. I had spent myself and was ready to be my new self again.
Then God said my name, "Ansley, what are you doing?"
"I'm back in Jax and going to focus on India with everything that I have now so I can get ready to leave in January. You told me to come back."
"What are you doing?" He asked again.
I'm getting ready for India."
I heard that question for the next 3 weeks and the conversation repeated like that. I was so confused and wanted to know what He was trying to say. I prayed and asked but He always answered with that question. I had been trying to get my visa the entire time and it was not working out. It was getting lost or deleted or my contacts wouldn't get back to me. I was so fed up and ready to get out of the country. I wanted to go! Then one ordinary day as I was frustrated and trying to plan my life God said, "Ansley, stop."
"What? This is what you told me to do."
"Where am I in your plans?"
"Well, you are right here. After I get over there you lead me to what you want me to do."
"Where am I right now?"
I realized something then. I had been planning my trip and had lost sight of Who was the reason I was going. I had taken God's dream He gave me and made it something that I had dreamed. I wasn’t seeking God and forgot why I was going in the first place. It wasn't because I love India, even though I do. It was because God said to "Go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit". That was the reason I was going. Not to bring glory to myself but to bring God's love and to see people of the nation’s give glory to God. Then I heard Him say,
"Give me India and you can still have all that I have promised. Hand it to me and we can do it together. Give it to me and be willing to let it die. Die to yourself. This was not your dream in the first place. Listen to me. Obey me. Trust me. I know the plans I have for you and you don't know the half of them. Ansley, let me have India and I will show you what I have planned."
The next week I struggled with learning to die and give up my dreams. I fought and yelled. I kicked and screamed. I cried and cried and cried. It was tough. God was pulling out things in my heart that were so deeply rooted in my heart that I would just lay on my face because it was so difficult. He showed me a new revelation of Him and how He loves me. I heard Him speak things like I have never heard before. I started on a journey that would forever change my heart. By the end of the 3trd week I had surrendered my heart, India, my pride, and my stubbornness. It hurt to give God my heart. But God had something better than anything I can dream or imagine.
After realizing all that in the last few weeks I have been praying about what I should do. God has been showing me why He brought me to Jacksonville in the first place. He told me to put India on the back burner for now. He is still calling me there and I will get the opportunity to start my internship but right now He wants me to stay in the states. My role is starting to become a leadership role. I am learning what it means to lead and how to disciple others in my Church family. My heart is still longing to go overseas and Daddy knows my heart better than anyone. I have recently been given the opportunity to  lead an outreach team to India and Nepal in January. My friend Apps and I will be leading a DTS team of 14 students through the mountains and rivers of south Asia. God has answered my prayer in taking me overseas. He knows the desires of my heart and is so amazing to be giving me this team to help me grow in my leadership and to take His name to the nations. I can explain in more words if anyone would like to know about what God is doing in detail. I just want people and my supporters to know because I don’t want to confuse people.
God promised me India and I know that’s where He has placed on my heart. Right now, though as I’m in the states I am waiting, hearing, and falling in love with Jesus more and more. I don’t know when I will leave for my internship but all I know is that God wants me to be in the present. Not dwelling on the past or living in the future. As I am learning to live here and be content and happy where He has me I have already been able to experience things with His love and live in community where everyone loves Jesus passionately. I have seen and experienced too much now to turn back. I would not give up or regret anything in this life because I know who I am in Christ and have faith in a God that does miracles.
Please be praying for guidance and wisdom in this next season and also for leadership development. I am so excited to be a part of these student’s lives and cannot wait to see what all God has for them. I love them with so much love. I love you all also. Peace and blessings over you. Always, Ans!

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